Reno Tahoe Mind Body Wellness Blog


Five reasons why Integrative Therapy works best for trauma treatment

Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, trauma expert and author of The Body Keeps the Score, has stated that one of the biggest growing challenges in the field of trauma treatment is the increasing trend of therapists to rigidly utilize one approach in their treatment with clients...

The Healing Quality of Art and Poetry

For many who’ve gone through a traumatic or stressful time in life, all forms of art including film, music, literature, and poetry can be an incredibly important part of their healing process. Artistic expression speaks to the spirit and inspires a sense of universal...

What is PTG and Why Is it Important to Trauma Recovery?

What is PTG and Why Is it Important to Trauma Recovery?

Most of us have heard of PTSD, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and understand the profound impact that PTSD can have on one’s life. A more recent and lesser known term is PTG, or Post-traumatic Growth. I always make sure to tell clients who come to see me for trauma...

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